We often find that a lot of our customers want to know the answer to the same or similar questions – FAQs. We have started to compile a list of questions and answers that we hope you find useful. We will add to this list over the next few months, but if there is anything that you would like to see, please do let us know. We hope that you will find this of use but don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries and we will be delighted to assist you.

We have a showroom where you’re welcome to come and browse products and try on masks/fins/wetsuits any time.

We’re open:
Monday-Saturday : 09.00-17.00

We are generally closed on public and bank holidays.

Our address is:
Unit 14
Reynolds Park
Bell Close

Q: What equipment do I need for spearfishing?

A: The most basic gear you’ll need to spearfish is a speargun, dive mask, snorkel, fins, marker buoy and a weight belt if you plan on diving under the water. Depending on the temperature of the water where you’re diving, you may need a spearfishing wetsuit, neoprene gloves and socks as well. For safety and for quick dispatch of any fish you catch, we recommend you carry a dive knife with you at all times. 

Non essential, but good to have gear includes; dive watch, fish stringer, catch bag, torch for hole hunting, lobster hook, foraging gauge. Speargun and gear bags can make transporting gear a breeze. 

Check out our essential spearfishing packages which include all of what you need to get going. As always, any questions or to talk about your needs and requirements, just give us a call or send us a message.

Q: How do I choose the right spearfishing gear?

A: Choosing the right gear for you depends a lot on your physical build, level of experience and intentions. For example if you’re only planning on foraging for lobsters, clams, scallops or crabs, you’ll not need a speargun but a torch, foraging gauge, catch bag and lobster hook. Whatever you do in the water you’ll need a marker buoy. 

The best thing to do is give us a call or drop us a message and one of our team will be delighted to advise you based on your requirements and help you to keep within any budgets you may have.

Q: How do I properly care for my spearfishing wetsuit?

A: Firstly, wetsuits must be put on using a lubricator so as not to damage the inside open cell lining of the suit. Take care with long nails so as to not nic the neoprene. Once you have finished diving, be sure to rinse the wetsuit well in freshwater as saltwater can be damaging to the wetsuit. 

Once they have been well rinsed and dried, hang them up to store. Do not store them folded because this can cause creases which in time can result in cracks in the wetsuit. Store wetsuits in a cool, dry place. 

If you will be storing your wetsuit for a long time without use, we recommend applying a dusting of talcum powder or similar. This helps to prevent the neoprene on the inside of the suit from sticking together which can happen if left for a long period of time, especially in  hot environments.

Q:How do I properly care for my speargun?

A: It is really important to ensure that you thoroughly rinse your speargun with freshwater after use and leave to dry before storage. Be sure to rinse the trigger mechanism well. When storing, always store out of direct sunlight as the UV can be damaging to the gun and especially the rubber on the bands and muzzle bungee. 

Leave the shaft in the trigger mechanism to prevent small stones or debris from entering which will stop it from working.

Use a Start Point Spearfishing tip protector to hang your speargun and preserve the point on your shaft. We recommend replacing the monofilament rigging, bands and muzzle bungee on your speargun every 1-2 years. 

We offer a full speargun overhaul service where we rinse, clean & oil your trigger mechanism, and replace all the bands and rigging. Check out our service section on our website.